The Firm

Society, family models and the world are undergoing profound changes, and our job is to anticipate them.

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Etude JordanLex

Our expertise at your service

We represent and support you in court and in negotiations. Complexity is our specialty, but no matter how complex or straightforward your situation, we're here to help.

Expertise Droit de la familleDroit de la famille
Domaine expertise avocatsDroit de la famille

A firm on a human scale

JordanLex is a law firm specializing in family law, with a certificate of specialization issued by the Swiss Bar Association (FSA).

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Our values



SAV/FSA (Swiss Federation of Lawyers) Specialist and Certificate of Advanced Studies in Family law. Continuous legal training and monitoring of the law and the case-law.



Involvement, empathy, availability, transparency.



Team work in Switzerland and abroad to fulfil our clients’ claims and preserve their families.

A law firm with an international outlook

Our firm has an extensive network of lawyers around the world (neighbouring France, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, London and Singapore) with whom we maintain close working relationships.

Sustainable development

The Firm takes particular care to reduce its carbon footprint as much as possible, in particular its paper consumption, its supplies and the travel of its members are optimized in a sustainable way (feet, electric vehicles and train are systematically preferred whenever possible). Documents are digitized, waste sorted and reduced to a minimum.

At JordanLex, we do our part to make the world a better place, so that we can preserve it and pass it on to future generations. We are committed to managing our business in a sustainable way.